My story. . .
Everybody has a story. . .a reason for being where they are in the world and a reason for doing what they do. And to be honest, sometimes sharing that story is hard. . .this is mine. From a very personal perspective.
People might wonder why I would share this or question it’s necessity within the scope of my business. But I think in reality, when we strip all the bullshit away, people deal with people - In my case, they deal with Christian, the person - and my clients become friends. These are not cold, professionally curt relationships bogged down in the mire of keeping up manicured Linkedin facades - these are actual friendships where we get to be ourselves. Real and unfiltered.
Now whilst there’s a time and place for professional disposition at the beginning of any relationship when you’re getting to know somebody, I unapologetically enjoy being myself around people and will bring it to base level as quickly as possible. I think that’s helped me immensely as a Director.
So about this video? Well, I can say that it’s only been in the last 6 months that I’ve actually worked through some of the buried grief around my Mum’s passing all that time ago that I could actually even look to retelling this story of how it was that I came to pick up a camera. That took some deep work and the result is something I’m proud of. . .being able to share this in such a way is something I didn’t think I would ever see happen.
As well as being an insight into what it is that shaped me as a filmmaker, I think it also goes a way to explaining why the pieces I bring to life have such an emotional side. My craft was literally born during a deep and rather intense emotional arc in my life and that has always played a part in what I search for when I’m coming up with creative, writing, shooting or editing. . .
This is not something really designed to market my business or win me clients. . .perhaps it’s actually a way of winning less business! Hahah! Weeding out the would be clients that just aren’t the right fit. . .who knows?
Regardless - this is my story, told properly - for the first time.
Take from it what you will. x