Ideas. . . and why production without solid creative is probably costing you clients and money.

What is the value of an idea?

I mean, without execution, it’s a relatively useless little thing. . .however, put into practise, ideas have toppled empires, monopolies, governments, you name it. . .

They are at one time the most formless, yet potentially magnificent things one can experience or give life to. . .and they are the life blood of our business.

It is ideas that seperate our clients from the pack - it is ideas that put food in our bellies. . .They are our stock and trade.

Scarily, there is no sure fire way to come up with them, have more good ones than bad or know when the best one you’re going to get is staring you in the face and you should lock it in. Exact science, this is not. . .(Looking at that now, it seems crazy to build a business around it. But hey, so far it’s working. 😊)

It’s a labour of love, experimentation and more failure than success.

But make no mistake - it is the idea that matters more than anything else. All the fancy camera’s, pretty pictures and funky editing won’t polish a proverbial 💩to the point of being thought provoking. It won’t grab a person by the shirt front and adjust their entire perception of a complex situation with a digital slap to the face. It won’t make them feel something. It won’t make them shift.

This is part of the challenge these days when it comes to content creation - so much of it now is literally oozing out of the cracks of smartphones everywhere, dripping in flashy editing and effects, but it’s failing in the most important department. It has no idea. It communicates nothing. You could literally swap out the brand at the end and it would seem as relevant with any other.

If we’re not delivering experiences to our audiences, not creating content that also communicates powerful ideas - then all we’re really doing is contributing to the noise. In my opinion, there’s enough of that crap out there already. . .

If you’re not going to bring something powerful, interesting and engaging to my screen - please get off it.

The most valuable gift somebody can give to you is their time - it must be respected. So if somebody chooses to spend it with your creative or watching your content, give them something to remember. Inspire them. Move them. Share a powerful idea. . .and make it worthwhile.

- Christian


“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

- Maya Angelou

Christian Fitzpatrick